Boyer Matches $20,000 in Donations for Belleville Salvation Army
December 02 2020,

Boyer Kia, Bay Subaru, Bay Mazda and Belleville Nissan (Boyer Auto Group Belleville) are excited to announce that we have helped the Belleville Salvation Army officially kick off their annual Christmas Kettle campaign! Special thanks to mayor Mitch Panciuk for joining us and making the first donation!
Also huge huge thank you to local residents and good samaritans Peter Boyce and Paul Reesor for their generous donations of $10,500 and $2000 respectively to get this campaign off to an INCREDIBLE start! Boyer Auto Group Belleville will match all in store donations this year up to $20,000 for a total donation of $40,000.
From left to right: Troy Dolan (General manager Bay Subaru), Jim McPeake (General manager Bay Mazda), Dustin Boyer (General manager Belleville Nissan), Dan Boyer (General manager Boyer Kia), Connie Goodsell (Belleville Salvation Army) and Mayor Mitch Panciuk.